Bus Service

Bus service from Torrevieja, La Siesta, Quesada & La Marina

Bus Service


We have teamed up with Benibus to offer a bus service for all of our events from locations around  La Marina and Torrevieja.  Cost depends on final numbers so get booking.

 We thought we would try and make it easier for everyone to enjoy the party atmosphere at Costa Blanca Events, it is best to let Benibus know a month before the event and get your friends and neighbours involved to get the numbers up and make it viable for them

For now you can register your interest HERE , at Benibus - be sure to tell them which event you are interested in and they will keep you updated. 

Please note you will need to pay Benibus for the bus service and order your tickets separately from us on this website.

What ya waiting for?




12 17 seater minibus 

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